Mobile Suit Gundam Keycaps Set is a must for any Gundam collector or fan of the anime series. These mechanical keyboard keycaps are inspired by the “Gundam” Japanese manga. They feature vibrant blue, yellow and white colours with artwork from the series such as “Mobile Suit Gundam”, “Japanese Characters”, and more.
Our OEM profile keycaps are made out of durable PBT plastic, giving them extra resistance against stains and damage. Each of these high-quality keycaps is dye-subbed, meaning that the image is imprinted into each keycap rather than being painted on top, ensuring a crisp and sharp design that won’t fade. Simple and elegant, the keycap is ideal for everyday use!
With its simple yet elegant font style and pop of colour, this keyboard will not only look good but will also feel great. The cute keycaps will be an ideal choice for spicing up your keyboard or adding a cute accent to your desk setup.
✱ Keycap Material: Dye-Sublimated PBT
✱ Keycap Profile: OEM
✱ Number of Keycaps: 117 pieces
✱ Language: English and Japanese
Please note, these are just 117 Keycaps and NOT a keyboard.
Very high quality keycaps work perfectly with my KBD75V1.